The P5 curriculum was developed to provide best practices and strategies to individuals interested in developing a positive school climate. When a SRO/SSO and school personnel administrator work collaboratively through the P5 curriculum, a holistic action plan can be developed to improve school environment, address safety and discipline, enhance positive relationships with youth, facilitate youth engagement in solving school climate problems, and ultimately prevent minor and violent crimes.

The P5 curriculum is comprised of 4 training modules, with action planning interwoven into each module. We compare our P5 training to a lighthouse. A small lighthouse can provide guidance and safety to ships in danger, but a larger and taller lighthouse will provide greater safety. Similarly, with Module I & action planning, participants are provided with the training and foundation to begin solving school climate problems, but if participants were to receive all P5 modules, they would be able to see significantly improved outcomes related to school climate.

Want to learn more or contact us?

For detailed training information, provide your name, email, and organization below to receive the downloadable overview.